Words/sentences/expressions I learnt

If there is a words/sentence/expression you think I should learn before travelling, feel free to comment on this page.

Kirundi English Notes
Amahoro Peace
Imana God
Imana iguhezagire May God bless you
Kaze Welcome Also used : "Karibu" in Swahili
Bite Hi Usually answered by "Ni sawa"
Yambi Hug Used as a greeting and followed by a lot of 'i' as in "Yambiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"
Umusi mwiza Good day
Umugoroba mwiza Good evening
Akagoroba keza Good afternoon
Ijoro ryiza Good night Usually answered by "Twese" meaning you and I both
Turasubira See you the same day
Tuzosubira See you another day
Amakuru? What's new? Usually answered by "Ni meza"
Urakomeye? How are you? Usually answered by "Ego"
Ndakomeye I am fine
Ndababaye I am sad
Ndashavuye I am angry
Ndarushe I am tired
Ndarwaye I am sick
Ndashonje I am hungry
Buhoro buhoro So so
Ego Yes
Oya No
Ubu Now
Vuba Soon
Urakoze Thank you You have worked
Ntaco ndakoze You're welcome
Urakoze gushima You're welcome Thanks to say thanks
Ndagusavye Please I am begging you
Icara Sit down
Genda Go Go ahead
Ndagukunda I like you
Ndagukumbuye I miss you
Nzogukumbura I am going to miss you
Nari ndagukumbuye I have missed you
Ndagukubita I am going to hit you
Ndakwica I am going to "kill" you
Ndabizi I know
Sindabizi I don't know "Simbizi" in kinyarwanda
Sindavyemeye I don't agree
Sindavyibagira I won't forget
Ndavyumva I understand
Urumva You understand
Sinumva ivyo uriko uvuga I don't understand what you're saying
Urabesha You lie
Simbesha I don't lie
Ndaje I am coming
Na And Used for nouns
Kandi And Used for verbs
Canke Or
Kuber'iki? Why?
Ryari? When?
Cane much, many, a lot, very
Rwose much, many
Umutwe Head
Intoke Fingers
Umutima Heart
Umuntu A person
Abantu People
Ubuntu Humanity
Umwana A child
Abana Children
Umuzungu A white man
Umuzungukazi A white woman
Abazungu White men
Umurundi A Burundian
Abarundi Burundians
Umugenzi A friend
Abagenzi Friends
Incuti A close friend, a family member
Sha Dear
Jewe Me
Wewe You
Umwaka mwiza Happy New Year
Noheri nziza Merry Christmas
Ndibaza Maybe
N'amafuti Whatever
Reka tubireke Leave it
Uri mwiza iyo uriko uratwenga You are pretty when you smile
Uraberewe You look good referring to clothing
Ndavuga ikirundi buke buke I speak a little bit of kirundi
Ndiko ndagufyinisha I am messing with you
Urabizi ko unkunda You know that you like me
Urabizi ko mvuga amafuti You know I am speaking nonsense
Ndiko ndagufyinisha I am messing with you
Reka gutwenga Stop laughing
Reka kuntwenga Stop making fun of me
Soma rusose Cheers!
Akabayagu Enjoy your meal
Kira Bless you Heal
Mpore Maybe
Karabaye It's the end of the world
Urugendo rwiza Have a nice trip
Uri he? Where are you? Speaking to one person
Muri he? Where are you? Speaking to two or more people
Birashushe It's hot
Hazogwa imvura It's going to rain
Jewe nitwa ... My name is ...
Witwande? What's your name?
Nk'uko ubibona ... As you see ...
Ndondera ... I am looking for ... ... someone
Ikimeneke Too smart "Ikimene" in kinyarwanda
Umusazi Crazy
Ikijuju Idiot
Umunebwe Lazy
Ikinebwe Lazy *ss Pejorative
Amahera Money
Amata Milk
Amazi Water
Ikawa Coffee
Icayi Tea
Amabungo Passion fruit Can also be called "Maracuja"
Gusayangana Swagger Literally means "Shine"
Amahirwe Happiness
Ishaka Will power
Ushaka kundiza You want to make me cry
Ehe raba Look (at this)
Ehe ingene yishima Look how she is full of herself
Ndaguteye ubwoba I scare you
Swahili English Notes
Hakuna matata No worries
Simba Lion
Rafiki Friend
Kabisa Really
Wangu Dear
Karibu Welcome
Pasipoti Passport
Tarehe ya kuzaliwa Date of birth


  1. this is awesome, thanks so much!

  2. Thanks so much for sharing this, finding kirundi translations is like pulling hen's teeth!
    Hope your trip went/will go well. I think you should add "I am thirsty" and "I would like (your preferred beverage)" -- ! And maybe "where is bathroom?".

  3. Very helpful, thank you!

  4. Thanks our brothers and sister's be blessed by the lord

  5. Murakodze, it's very good for beginners like me

  6. Congratulation good work at I think you should add I am sorry

  7. This page just made me win a heart of a Kirundi gyal by using the translations😉 Thank you

  8. very interesting,thank.
    but help me to know the meaning of 'tuzinanye'

  9. Am a Kenyan and the last 3 weeks are just amazing, learning everyday

  10. Am a Kenyan and the last 3 weeks are just amazing, learning every day

  11. Thank you so much!

  12. Thank you for this, I'm in burundi right now

  13. This is helpful, thankyou
